African University Day 2015, Professor, Universities

My experience as an Online Social Media Reporter for the 2015 African University Day.

As an Online Social Media Reporter for the 2015 African University Day; i experienced a lot of things;

  1. I got experience of Volunteering for an international body that sees or govern the operations of higher institution.
  2. Secondly i got the chance to work with many group of people and of different calibers like Dr, professors, great lecturers and students from different institution.
  3. Thirdly it made me to have the chance to interview and profiled one of the most outstanding lecturer at our local University i.e Prof. Dr Christopher Oyat of Gulu University.
  4. The Social Media has increased my efficiency level in responding to work place before me and it has improved my writing skills on the social media and communication skills.
  5. It has been fun seeing post from different people all over Africa and the world.

My recommendations

  1. The association should give prizes for the volunteers after the exercise.
  2. The Association should continue to give certificates to the social media reporters both electronic and hard copy.
  3. The association should offer recognition for some lecturers who has greatly contribution to the different developments of Higher Education in Africa in terms of certificates etc.
  4. The association should look for scholarship position or offer scholarship for the social media reports.
  5. The association should offer exchange visits for the social media reporters.



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